By joining and participating in this league, you’ll earn rewards and benefits such as free and promotional cards, and a special seasonal prize.
This is how the Pokémon League is structured:
- Each year is divided into three to eight different seasons. You’ll receive a new scorecard for each season.
- Every time you play a round of the Pokémon Trading Card Game or Video Game, you earn a stamp on your score card, no matter if you win or lose. Once you complete a row of stamps (usually eight stamps), you earn two special promotional cards. You can earn up to four of each card every season.
- To help you fill up your card more quickly, you can earn bonus stamps for participating in a special challenge described on your score card. I’ll occasionally offer double-stamp days too!
- You can’t play the same person twice in a row. If you do, you won’t earn any stamps for that second or subsequent game.
- If you completely fill up either the TCG side or Video Game side of your score card, you’ll earn a special prize for that season!
- You’re allowed to work on previous seasons if you weren’t able to finish them, but you can’t get a head start on future seasons.
Other important guidelines:
- I may choose to give away additional cards or prizes not provided by The Pokémon Company International (TPCI). I do this to reward and motivate players, but am not required to by TPCI. As such, I may issue or not issue these additional prizes in whatever way I see fit.
- Many leagues hold tournaments for its members. Occasionally, tournaments may require an entry fee, may only reward winning players, and may not be worth stamps if TPCI has sanctioned the tournament. If Pokémon at the Mills chooses to hold a tournament, you have the option not to participate, and instead play with others outside the tournament to earn stamps.
- This league primarily uses “Unlimited” card format, meaning we accept all English Pokémon Card sets from 1995 to the present; however, most tournaments use “Modified Legal” format that limits the cards you can use to the most recent sets.
These are your responsibilities in the league:
- You must follow all rules set by New Dimension Comics.
- You are only rewarded for participating. The more days you come and the more games you play, the more you are rewarded!
- You are responsible for finding your own partner to play with.
- You do not need to obtain a Play! Pokémon Player ID to participate, but it is strongly recommended that you obtain one. Not only does it allow you to access special features on, but it also helps us order enough supplies for the following season. If we do not have enough supplies to cover everyone during the season, players with IDs will take precedence.
- It is recommended that you either sign up for e-mail contact, or that you visit the league website ( to stay up to date with league announcements or cancellations.
- Please play fairly! Any cheating or use of cheat devices in the card or video game will prevent you from earning stamps for the round.
- You are responsible for anything you bring with you.
- It is strongly recommended that young children be accompanied by an adult. We are not a child care service and are not responsible for your child. In fact, we always appreciate parents who participate in the league with their children!
These are my responsibilities as league owner:
- Ensure that the league remains a safe and pleasant environment for all members.
- Follow all rules and restrictions as set by The Pokémon Company International (TPCI).
- Communicate any league announcements or meeting cancellations to members in a timely manner.
- Record member participation and report this information to TPCI at the end of each season.
- Distribute prizes in a fair manner in line with TPCI rules.
- Act as ruling judge during league meetings and provide rule resources.
- Assign Player ID cards and teach new members how to play the game.
- Although I am the league owner, I am permitted to participate in the league and earn prizes. However, if I am operating a tournament, I am not permitted to enter that tournament.
Thank you for joining us, and have fun!
Chris, League Owner