Saturday, October 8, 2011

Double Stamp Day Tomorrow!

With league play underway, I just wanted to remind all league members that tomorrow (Oct. 9) is double-stamp day for Pokemon at the Mills.  This means that every game you play is worth two stamps on your score card instead of one, giving you a chance to fill your card up more quickly!

I also wanted to highlight the "Trio Badge Challenge" for this season:
  • In the card game, if you play a game with a deck made of only Fire, only Water, or only Grass-type Pokemon (a few colorless pokemon mixed in is okay), then you can earn one extra stamp for that week.
  • In the video game, if you play a Rotation Battle with a Pansear/Simisear, a Panpour/Simipour, or a Pansage/Simisage on your team, you can earn one extra stamp for that week.
Have a good weekend, and I'll see you tomorrow!